This Code of Conduct sets out the principles and standards which the Board, management and employees of the Company are encouraged to strive towards when dealing with each other, shareholders, other stakeholders and the broader community.
Code of Conduct [PDF - 96KB]
Sylvania Platinum is committed to creating value for its shareholders. The Company’s intention is to return excess cash to shareholders at regular intervals. The level of dividends (or substantial share repurchases) must therefore be at a level which can be supported on an ongoing basis.
Directors, officers and employees of the Company are expected to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities as set out in the Company's Code of Conduct. All employees and representatives of the Company must practise honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The aim of this Whistleblower Policy is to ensure that directors, officers and employees comply with these obligations.
Whistleblower Policy [PDF - 89KB]
This Share Dealing Code provides an overview of the restrictions on insider trading in the Company's securities. It also regulates trading in the Company's securities by Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities and Persons Closely Associated.
Share Dealing Code [PDF - 259KB]
This manual is prepared in terms of section 51 of the South African Promotion of Access to Information Act 2/2000 and to address the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4/2014. It sets out all information required by both PAIA and POPI, deals with how requests are to be made in terms of PAIA and also establishes how compliance with POPI is to be achieved.
Promotion of Access to Information Manual [PDF - 999KB]
The purpose of this policy is to establish and set specific procedures for how anti-corruption and bribery issues are dealt with in the Company and sets the standards of no tolerance for corruption or bribery within the Company.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy [PDF - 166KB]
31 December 2024
10 September 2024